建议 is a priority at Westminster, not an afterthought. The advisor system assures that each student receives oversight, guidance and support from a faculty member dedicated to that student. New students have advisors assigned to them by the Director of Studies; returning students get to choose their advisor, 确保良好的匹配. Some students will stay with the same advisor all four years, creating continuity and a strong bond; others change every year, preferring a different perspective and the opportunity to create meaningful relationships with several different faculty members.
学生每周至少与导师见面一次, 但大多数人会更经常地说话, as their paths cross frequently in this ideally-sized community. 顾问帮助过渡, 监督学生的课堂表现, collects information and concerns from classroom teachers, 观察学生的互动和反应, 调和冲突, 促进新兴的独立性, and opens conversation about a wide range of issues. The relationships between advisors and their advisees are some of the deepest and most long lasting of the many relationships formed on the Hill.
Westminster prides itself on educating the whole student rather than simply transmitting information, and these deep relationships with an advisor are integral to achieving that important goal.